History and Geography Difficult Number 1


History and Geography Difficult Number 1

1. Which of the following is closest to Jerusalem?

2. What list is contained in Ezra 2?

3. What pool had five porches in front of it?

4. What region, which was the dwelling place of Ruth, was named after one of Lot’s sons?

5. Which king wore a disguise in battle?

6. What army heard the sound of chariots and horses when no chariots or horses were actually present?

7. Which of the following cities is farthest south?

8. Which king of Judah sacrificed his own son in a fire?

9. Who appointed Zedekiah as ruler over Judah?

10. What is “Purim”?

11. Which of the following cities is farthest north?

12. What is the literal meaning of the English word “pentateuch”?

13. To what river did Elijah go during the drought (where he was fed by ravens)?

14. What city was conquered when daylight was miraculously prolonged?

15. Whose bones were buried in Shechem?

16. Who “reigned from India to Ethiopia over 127 provinces”?

17. Who was the governor of Syria during the first census of the Roman world?

18. From whom were the Edomites descended?

19. Who ordered the building of the first fleet of ships recorded in the Bible?

20. In what town was David’s throne during the first portion of his reign as king of Israel?

21. Who tried to accede to David’s throne instead of Solomon?

22. Which king broke into pieces the bronze snake erected by Moses?

23. How did Jezebel die?

24. What major construction job was one of the highlights of Hezekiah’s reign?

25. Whom did Elisha anoint as king of Israel?

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