MVP Quiz

History & Geography Easy Number 1


History and Geography Easy Number 1

1. Where did the following sign appear: “This is Jesus, King of the Jews”?

2. Which one of the following men was a prophet of God?

3. Put the following Israelites into the chronological order in which they became leaders.

4. What king did God make the wisest man who ever lived?

5. What direction did the star shine which the wise men followed at the birth of Christ?

6. What was the most important event in the Bible to take place at Calvary?

7. Who wrote the book of Hezekiah?

8. Who broke the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written?

9. After what ancestor of Jesus was the well named where Jesus offered a Samaritan woman “living water”?

10. What is the name of the garden into which God put the first humans?

11. Through which sea did God allow the Israelites to pass by dividing the waters?

12. What was the name of the island where John was held prisoner when he saw the vision that he recorded in the Book of Revelation?

13. What word was used instead of “king” for the rulers of Egypt during the years the Israelites lived there?

14. In which book of the Bible do we read the story of the Great Flood?

15. Who do Christians know is the Messiah?

See this in John 1:41.

16. Who was the leader of the Israelites when they destroyed the city of Jericho?

17. In what city was Jesus put on trial and crucified?

18. What did all of these women have in common–Jezebel, Cleopatra, Esther?

19. In what river did John the Baptist do most of his baptizing?

20. What was being built when God destroyed it and confused the language of the whole world?

21. In what country is Jerusalem?

22. To what mountain did Moses go to receive the Ten Commandments from God?

23. What place was guarded by an angel with a flaming sword?

24. Which day of the week do the Jews keep as the Sabbath?

25. What was the home town of Mary and Joseph?

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