MVP QUIZ Women of the New Testament Easy Moderate 1 /25 Women of the New Testament Moderate Number 1 1. I was the mother of John Mark. Rhoda Mary the wife of Clophas Phoebe Mary of Jerusalem Acts 12:12 That’s Right! Acts 12:12 Acts 12:12 2. In what town did the Samaritan woman live, from whom Jesus asked for water at the well? Tirzah Sychar Megiddo Jezreel John 4:5 That’s Right John 4:5 John 4:5 3. Who preached to Lydia and her household to teach them the Gospel? Aquila Barnabas Paul Philip Acts 16:14-15 That’s Right! Acts 16:14-15 Acts 16:14-15 4. What expression did a slave girl (who possessed a spirit of divination) use to describe Paul and company? "They are profaners of the temple." "They are servants of the Most High God who proclaim to us the way of salvation." "They persuade men to worship God contrary to the law." "They seem to be a proclaimer of foreign gods." Acts 16:17 That’s Right! Acts 16:17 Acts 16:17 5. To whom did Jesus say, “Your brother shall rise again”? Mary The sister of Nereus Martha Tryphosa John 11:23 That’s Right! John 11:23 John 11:23 6. What was the significance of the widow of Mark 12 giving two mites into the treasury? Jesus commended her because she gave ALL she had, and said that her gift was more than all the others who had contributed Her family was afraid because she did not have enough money on which to live Her friends were amazed by her gift The Jews condemned her for not giving enough Mark 12:41-44 That’s Right! Mark 12:41-44 Mark 12:41-44 7. Of whom was it said that she was a “highly favored one”? Priscilla Elizabeth Mary Mother of Jesus Phoebe Luke 1:28 That’s Right! Luke 1:28 Luke 1:28 8. What was the significance of the purple that Lydia sold? Purple items were used in the worship of idols Purple was worn by women who were harlots Purple was prized and valuable, and therefore was used by the rich Purple was used as an everyday commodity, and therefore was in big demand Luke 16:19 That’s Right! Luke 16:19 Luke 16:19 9. Where did Phoebe live? Bethlehem Jerusalem Cenchrea Rome Romans 16:1 That’s Right! Romans 16:1 Romans 16:1 10. What was Jesus’ teaching regarding the woman who had had seven husbands? That she will be the wife of none of them in Heaven That she will be the wife of all of them in Heaven That they will all be lost That they will all be saved Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25 That’s Right! Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25 Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25 11. Where did the daughters of Philip live? Troas Ephesus Antioch Caesarea Acts 21:8 That’s Right! Acts 21:8 Acts 21:8 12. What was Lydia’s occupation? She was a seamstress She was maker of pottery She was a fortune teller She was a seller of purple Acts 16:14 That’s Right! Acts 16:14 Acts 16:14 13. Where did Lydia live? Tyre Derbe Lystra Thyatira Acts 16:14 That’s Right! Acts 16:14 Acts 16:14 14. At whose house were “many gathered together praying”? Mary the mother of John Mark Lydia Anna Bernice Acts 12:12 That’s Right! Acts 12:12 Acts 12:12 15. Where was Candace a queen? Egypt Libia Ethiopia Greece Acts 8:27 That’s Right! Acts 8:27 Acts 8:27 16. Who converted Candace’s eunuch as he returned from having worshiped in Jerusalem? Philip Aquila Peter John Acts 8:26-39 That’s Right! Acts 8:26-39 Acts 8:26-39 17. Whose maid was Rhoda? Mary Magdalene Mary and Martha's Mary of Jerusalem (the mother of John Mark) Dorcas Acts 12:13 That’s Right! Acts 12:13 Acts 12:13 18. Of what tribe was Anna, the prophetess who thanked God when she saw Christ as a baby when He was presented in the temple? Ephraim Dan Levi Asher Luke 2:36-38 That’s Right! Luke 2:36-38 Luke 2:36-38 19. Where did Peter’s mother-in-law live? Emmaeus Jerusalem Caesarea Capernaum Mark 1:21-30 That’s Right! Mark 1:21-30 Mark 1:21-30 20. Which maid did not open the door for Peter when he knocked on it after an angel had released him from prison? Rhoda The "maid having a spirit of divination" One of the foolish virgins One of the maids of the high priests Acts 12:14 That’s Right! Acts 12:14 Acts 12:14 21. To whom was it said, “But one thing is needed,” and to what did the statement refer? The woman caught in adultery; Jesus rebuked her for her life of sin The foolish virgins; Jesus commented on their lack of preparation Martha; Jesus was rebuking her for complaining about her sister not helping her The mother of James and John; Jesus was rebuking her for asking for her sons to be given "first place" in the Kingdom Luke 10:42 That’s Right! Luke 10:42 Luke 10:42 22. What report had those of Chloe’s household sent to Paul? That they had lost their first love That they had a name that they were alive, but were dead That one in the congregation was living with his father's wife That there were contentions among the congregation in Corinth 1 Corinthians 1:11 That’s Right! 1 Corinthians 1:11 1 Corinthians 1:11 23. To whom did Jesus give the charge to look after His mother Mary upon His death? Peter Barnabas Paul John John 19:29-27 That’s Right! John 19:29-27 John 19:29-27 24. What woman had five husbands, yet had no husband? The woman of Samaria at the well The woman whose husbands had all died Paul's sister The woman caught in adultery John 4:9-26 That’s Right! John 4:9-26 John 4:9-26 25. Who came to comfort Mary and Martha when their brother Lazarus died? John the Immerser The apostles Many of the Jews The High Priest John 11:19 That’s Right! John 11:19 John 11:19 Your score is 0%