Women of the New Testament Difficult 1


Women of the New Testament Difficult Number 1

1. With whom was Julia’s name associated?

2. At what age could the widows “be taken into the number”?

3. Who was told that a sword would pierce her own soul?

4. Whom did Paul tell to assist Euodia and Syntyche so they could “be of the same mind in the Lord”?

5. How was Persis described?

6. What epistle is jointly addressed to Apphia?

7. Who was Drusilla’s husband?

8. What was a notable aspect of Lois?

9. To whom was credit given for Timothy’s strong faith?

10. Which one of the women below was a believer who was identified by name in Athens after Paul had preached there?

11. Whom did Claudia and Paul together salute?

12. Which of the attributes below is NOT one that Paul discusses in the Book of Titus as something that older women should use as they try to be examples to younger women?

13. Which of the three names listed below is NOT one of the three women who told the apostles that Jesus had risen from the grave?

14. Name another prominent woman of the Philippian congregation.

15. Of the following women, which one was living in an incestuous relationship with her brother?

16. What church was asked to receive Phoebe “in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her”?

17. Which of the names listed below is NOT one of the women whom Jesus healed by His touch?

18. Who mistook Jesus for a gardener?

19. What woman did Jesus heal, which resulted in His being criticized by a ruler of the synagogue for having healed someone on the Sabbath?

20. What were Anna’s feelings after seeing Jesus in the temple as a baby?

21. Why was the congregation in Rome asked by Paul to assist Phoebe?

22. Which one of the women below was NOT one of three women in the New Testament who were healed of evil spirits and infirmities?

23. My son was raised from the dead by Jesus as we carried him to the cemetery. Who am I?

24. Whom did the Jews at Antioch “stir up” against Paul and Barnabas?

25. What was Paul’s admonition to the younger widows?

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