Prophets, Prophecies, and Miracles Easy Number 1


Prophets, Prophecies, and Miracles Easy Number 1

1. How many times a day did ravens bring food to Elijah?

2. When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, from what country did He promise Moses He would deliver the Israelites?

3. Who sent demons into pigs?

4. To which prophet did God give the power to control rain?

5. God Said: “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” What did He then make?

6. Which of the following men was NOT a prophet of God?

7. What is the English translation of the name “Immanuel,” which Isaiah prophesied would be a name used for Jesus?

8. Who in the Old Testament had a dream about several grain sheaves bowing down to another grain sheaf?

9. What aspect of Elisha’s body were the young men mocking when he caused them to be killed by bears?

10. Who asked God to allow dew to appear on a wool fleece?

11. Which Bible book, hundreds of years in advance, predicted the exact words of Jesus on the cross: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

12. What did Belshazzar see on the wall?

13. Which one of the following men was not a prophet of God?

14. What do you call a person who predicts the future as told to him by God?

15. What is the greatest number of lepers healed at one time by Jesus, as recorded in the Bible?

16. Of what was Bartimaeus cured by Jesus?

17. Fill in the following blank with one word concerning the Second Coming of Jesus: “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the _____________.”

18. When Aaron threw down his rod before Pharaoh, what did it become?

19. Who said to Joseph, “Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee unto Egypt”?

20. Who was taken up into Heaven when a chariot of fire appeared?

21. Which one of the following people was a prophet?

22. How was the birth of John the Baptist a miracle?

23. Who killed a lion with his bare hands?

24. What ate all the grass, leaves, and fruit in one of the plagues that God sent on Egypt?

25. What was Jesus’ first recorded miracle?

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